What better way to commemorate your pet than to commission a portrait? Animals are individuals, they are not just any dog or cat...they are this dog and this cat. They have a name and a family, a past and a present and are individual.
This gives us a deep affection for our pets, our companions. We love them just as much as they love us back. But we enter into this relationship with a kind of guaranteed loss because they live such a short time. My work, paradoxically, lasts forever. There's an immortality to a portrait drawing - its a great tribute.
The animals I am commissioned to draw are loved very much by their owners and I can see why. After studying their photos and the hours I spend drawing I find a connection with them too. Their names are always written at the top of my drawing board as I draw them with a heart, and I feel so sad when I have to say goodbye to them and send them to their owners! It is this love for my subjects which I hope reflects in my artwork.
If you would like to commission me please do get in touch. If you have already had a drawing from me please don't forget to leave a testimonial to me. My email address to get in touch is tracey.walder@yahoo.co.uk
Tracey x